
你做的事 我沒見過 能否告訴我有何不同

成長過程中 他是那麼陌生

彷彿看到其中奧妙 一切似乎那麼遙遠

眼前呈現是熟悉的你 哦 有誰能告訴我是何原因

我要知道 誰願教我


告訴我 請教我 所有美好的事物那麼真實 從他眼中 流露出無限愛

愛神的箭射中了我 我心在跳 這感覺衝擊我的腦海

哦 神祕未知的世界裡 有無數寶藏等待你發現

放眼望去 你會發現 那些美好事物 等待著你

我要知道 誰願教我 我也曾想擁抱這奇妙時刻 告訴我 請教我

所有美好的事物那麼真實 歡迎你到我的世界

一個完全不同領域 希望你與我同行 攜手漫步

直到我深深了解這世界 我要知道

誰願教我 我也曾想擁抱這奇妙時刻

告訴我 請教我 所有美好的事物那麼真實 我要知道


Whatever you do, I'll do it too

Show me everything and tell me how

It all means something

And yet nothing to me

I can see there's so much to learn

It's all so close and yet so far

I see myself as people see me

Oh, I just know there's something bigger out there

I wanna know, can you show me

I wanna know about these strangers like me

Tell me more, please show me

Something's familliar about these stransgers like me

Every gesture, every moe that she makes

Makes me feel like never before

Why do I have

This growing need to be beside her

Ooo, these emotions I never knew

Of some other world far beyond this place

Beyond the trees, aboe the clouds

I see before me a new horizon

I wanna know, can you show me

I wanna know about these strangers like me

Tell me more, please show me

Something's familiar about these strangers like me

Come with me now to see my world

Where there's beauty beyond your dreams

Can you feel the things I feel

Right now, with you

Take my hand

There's a world I need to know

I wanna know, can you show me

I wanna know about these strangers like me

Tell me more, please show me

Something's familiar about these strangers like me

... I wanna know

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